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You are The Sky...Everything Else is Just a Weather           

       ~ Pema Chodron

From The Field of Pure Potential

Anything Possible

And untangling yourself from the weather - all that isn’t you - is what this healing journey is about.

This work is designed to free and empower you, to unblock the flow of your potential so you can create from a healed, centered space, capable of powerful manifestation.


From family of origin to friendships and romance, as you heal old wounds you begin to release disappointment and hurt, upping your availability for compassion, love and beautiful, authentic connection. 



Become an active participant in the evolution of your consciousness and find clarity around what you've come to planet to learn, express, and contribute.


Unleash your inspiration, harness your creativity and share your sacred service to the world in a way that benefits you and collective beyond monetary gains. 


Begin to bring your physical body to balance, freeing it from toxic energies that hinder it's ability to function, heal and carry you through this life. 

Today, my life feels like an endless adventure, full of chances to deeply fall in love with myself and manifest beautiful things that light up my soul.

I feel so blessed.


Breathwork and Regression Therapy changed my life by helping me release deep-seated traumas, suppressed emotions and repetitive relationship patterns.  

And as with most healers, once I was free, my soul longed to offer the same opportunity for joyful liberation to those who still suffered. 


I’m Somatic Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, and Certified Hypnotherapist, offering you the same opportunity for deep healing that I’ve experienced. With 10+ years of study and practice in therapy, somatic healing arts, and spiritual studies, as a healer I skillfully weave my arsenal of modalities for your greatest good and highest potential. 

My greatest honor is to help you find love and healing within. 

Ever since I was a little girl, understanding our patterns, fears and limitations we are all up against became my main focus, and my own deep desire to break free put me on the path of my life’s work. My inner journey to freedom began when I signed up for a shamanic apprenticeship and from the very first class, I knew I was home. I dove into the underworld of a shadow, psychology, studying universal principals of energy work, reiki, the influence of astrology, human design, gene keys.

Hypnotherapy empowered me to break free from addictive patterns, not enoughness, and putting everyone else needs first. And breathwork… I’d never in my life experienced so much energy flowing through my body. I was amazed and captivated; I felt this delicious expansion as old, stuck energy was swept away… I knew I’d found the answer to the question my heart had been seeking for so many years. 


And as I freed myself, my ability to co-create with life came online. The limitations of my mind and body fell away and, as I healed, I became a healer. Not only have I experienced the transformational powers of these modalities firsthand, I’ve also witnessed major healing and transformation in my own clients’ lives as well.


I am here, not to do the healing work for you, but to create a healing container held to the vibration of freedom and love. I’ll walk with you, guiding you within to claim the wisdom of your body. It is here that you heal yourself as you learn to harness your body’s ability to transform, transmute, and alchemize your pain and limitation into power and potential.


Whether you’re looking for ongoing support or want help shifting specific limiting beliefs that are blocking you from love, purpose, prosperity, or health… If you’re ready to untangle the stuff that doesn’t belong and clear the way for your True Self to emerge, I can help you on this journey. 


If you have questions or want to talk about how this work could help you, please set up a free 30-minute discovery call and I’ll be glad to answer your questions! 


Big love, Laura

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