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  Reclaim Your Natural Capacity To Heal 


Laura is a medicine woman and healer. I felt completely safe surrendering to her expertise and this unique energy she brings, like Mother Mary meets Kali… She held me in a beautiful, steady space - the transformational intersection of unconditional love coupled with an energy of wild fierceness that would stop at nothing to lovingly obliterate anything standing in the way of my highest good. She was born for this - I can’t recommend her enough.” 

                                                                   -Jill, breathwork client 



Breathwork is a powerful alchemical practice that works on a somatic level to facilitate physical, mental, and emotional healing. In partnership with your breath, you enter into a more conscious and compassionate relationship with yourself and a gentle process of deconstructing old patterns and limiting beliefs. By releasing old emotional wounds stored in your body, the flow of energetic life force reestablishes itself, catalyzing the natural unfolding of who you were always meant to be. 



Before we begin, we prepare by setting intentions and releasing expectations. We start session by grounding and centering in and begin to bring conscious awareness to your breath. Throughout the duration of our session, I’ll lead you through affirmations, movement and sound designed to help you release, let go and put your parasympathetic nervous system into a relaxed and altered state of consciousness.


In this space, you may begin to unearth and release stress, anxiety and tension and expect answers to your question, increased awareness and connection to your true self. 




Rapid Transformational Therapy is a hybrid method that incorporates the most effective components of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy,  Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)  in a unique combination that produces a transformative effect on clients. It is a revolutionary therapeutic approach, enabling you to rewire your subconscious mind and foster lasting change. RTT Therapy helps you rewrite your story, replacing self-doubt with self-assurance, anxiety with calm, and limitations with limitless possibilities.

Take a look at his video highlighting the effectiveness and benefits of hypnotherapy. 

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy? (RTT®) (



Before we begin, we discuss the focus of your session and what it is you desire to leave the session with. I begin our RTT session by putting you into a state of hypnosis; you are still in control and you will remember everything that transpired, you are simply in a deep state of relaxation which gives us access to your subconscious mind. In this relaxed state, we gently begin to revisit the scenes from your past from which your current beliefs (and behaviors) originate. 

As you look at these scenes through the present-day lens, your adult self can bring new understanding and meaning to any limiting beliefs you formed as a child, or any beliefs carried over from past life. Here, in this space we have the opportunity to give meaning to the scenes from your past, to understand how they’re affecting your current reality. In this relaxed state of clarity, I will give your mind suggestions, effectively working to replace old, limiting beliefs with new, supportive ones that align with everything you want for yourself and your life. 


To activate and embody these new beliefs, I’ll send you a recording that you’ll listen to for 21 days. We are reprogramming your mind, training it to adopt this new way of thinking which then leads to new ways of being and behaving. This is how we break old limiting beliefs and patterns. 

Remote & In-Person


Yes, it's just as effective and powerful, as in person hypnosis (as long as we can hear each other well). Your experience can be incredible because you're in the safety of your own home and can relax even deeper.


Hypnosis is not magic - it’s science! It works by creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM. That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it, you’ll see for yourself when you do it too!


There are 3 types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy - every person is different:

- Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away - immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviors right in the session.

- Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.

- Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.


What makes RTT amazing is that even if you think you know the reason, you see it in a completely new way. That’s what allows you to change the meaning, and ultimately, change your beliefs. And for many clients, they go back to scenes that are totally different than what they expected. Just relax and trust that your subconscious mind will show you exactly what you need to see. Remember: if you did know the real reason behind your issue, you probably would have fixed it by now.


While you are in a hypnotic state, no one can make you do or say anything you don’t want to. You are in complete control the entire time. You can and will talk during the session and you are free to move around and even go to the bathroom. If we are having a session virtually and get disconnected, you may drift off, but you’ll soon realize I’m not there and we'll re-connect again.



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